Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Summer With The Doctor.

Did I ever tell you about the summer I spent with The Doctor?

Back in 1987 when my best pal Bet and I went travelling through time, space and relative dimension?

Along with Tegan Jovanka, a very lovely gal from from Austrailia who worked as a flight attendant.

And the ever faithful K-9. What a great robot dog.

Sometimes the controls were a little hard to understand.

But eventually you figure it all out.

And just learn to enjoy space in your cool 1980s clothes.

Sure - there were scary parts. Nobody likes Cybermen

And who wants to meet a Dalek? Exterminate, exterminate...blah blah blah.

Still, Time in the TARDIS is time well spent.  I wish The Doctor were in the photos, but he was taking them all with his sonic screwdriver. That thing makes an iPhone look like a tin can with a string.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! wish I could go to something that cool :P
