Monday, July 11, 2011

Harry Potter Week begins:

To celebrate the end of an era, we'll be having a whole lot of Potter posts this week. What I'd like to know from our younger contributors is how it feels to have something that's been around for as long as you can remember come to a conclusion. I will tell you that you are lucky to have your beloved childhood books so carefully and successfully interpreted for the screen. I look forward to hearing your reactions to the movie and your experiences at the midnight showings.  First up: Heartfelt speeches by J.K. Rowling, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Gint and Emma Watson at the London premiere.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is something of an expert at having something that's been around for as long as she can remember come to a conclusion. Before Harry Potter it was Lost.

    Ok, you are not supposed to let your 6 year old watch Lost. Actually I missed most of Season 1 because I was trying to get her to go to bed. But the TV is not far enough from her bed, so she watched/listened/got hooked anyway. The first episode she remembers is the one where Jack sees his father (who is supposed to be dead) in the jungle.
